
Time in Baní, Dominican Republic now

Friday, May 17, 2024, week 20
Sun: ↑ 06:06 ↓ 19:10 (13h 4m) - More info - Make Baní time default - Add to favorite locations

Time zone info for Baní

UTC -4
Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
now same time as New York

Time difference
from Baní

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3 hours
3 hours
1 hours
1 hours
New York0
São Paulo+1 hours
UTC+4 hours
Lagos+5 hours
London+5 hours
Johannesburg+6 hours
Paris+6 hours
Zurich+6 hours
Cairo+7 hours
Istanbul+7 hours
Moscow+7 hours
Dubai+8 hours
Mumbai+9.5 hours
Hong Kong+12 hours
Shanghai+12 hours
Singapore+12 hours
Tokyo+13 hours
Sydney+14 hours
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The 25 largest cities in
Dominican Republic

Azua Bajos de Haina Baní Boca Chica Bonao Concepción de la Vega Cotuí Esperanza Hato Mayor del Rey La Romana Moca Nagua Puerto Plata Punta Cana Salcedo Salvaleón de Higüey San Cristóbal San Francisco de Macorís San Juan de la Maguana San Pedro de Macorís Santa Cruz de Barahona Santa Cruz de Mao Santiago de los Caballeros Santo Domingo Villa Altagracia